The respiratory system’s job is to bring oxygen into the body and remove carbon dioxide. Because oxygen is the fuel needed by all organs in the body, getting enough of it is important for good health. Breathing problems can lead to shortness of breath, tiredness, headaches, and can make a person more susceptible to infections such as pneumonia, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and congestive heart failure (CHF). Smoking is one of the leading cause of asthma, COPD, and CHF. Even though these diseases are often preventable, they claim many lives each year.
Smoking causes a lot of respiratory issues that can be harmful later in life. It is very harmful to the lungs, making a lot of respiratory issues. Smoking can cause cancer. Some think if they smoke light cigarettes that it would be less damaging than smoking regular strength cigarettes, but even small amounts of tar can cause cancer to anyone who smokes the cigarettes or to those who inhale second hand smoke. Nicotine can cause the blood vessels to constrict that can cause blood pressure to go up, forcing the heart to work harder than it should. Smoking tobacco produces carbon monoxide, so every time the smoke is inhaled, carbon monoxide is taken into the lungs instead of oxygen. Smoking can also lead to emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and gum disease.
Pneumonia is the respiratory disease that can be caused by viruses and some bacteria. It occurs most of the time during the winter and spring time. Influenza is a type of pneumonia. It is a viral and transmitted by respiratory droplets. The diagnosis is from blood cultures or from sputum cultures. Treatment is antibiotics and breathing treatments. Pneumonia can be prevented if the body is taking care of and bad habits are broken like smoking.
Asthma is the most chronic disease for children and adults. If asthma is not properly treated, it can lead to respiratory failure. The major difficulty in diagnosing asthma is when no signs or symptoms show. Patients complain of coughing, short of breath, or weakness, but have normal blood results and a normal chest x-ray. Treatment can be a breathing treatment with a nebulizer, an antibiotic and sometimes oxygen is needed. If the asthma is more severe then hospitalization is necessary. Asthma can be preventable if smoking cigarettes stop. Sometimes asthma cannot be prevented if it is hereditary.
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is mostly caused by smoking. It is the most common cause of death in the United States. Usually COPD gets worse over time. The damage to the lungs cannot be undone. Symptoms are long lasting cough and, short of breath that gets worse when moving around. Treatments are breathing treatments with a nebulizer machine or inhalers, and if it gets worse, oxygen may be needed.
Life style changes can help prevent or slow down the process of the respiratory diseases. Some life style changes would be to exercise frequently or just stay active (Watch their diet, stop the bad habit of smoking). It is never too late to stop smoking. This will help prolong the life span. Pay attention to heath signs and seek medical help when needed before it is too late. A lot of these respiratory diseases are preventable and curable. Never put off tomorrow what can be taken care of today.