Sunday, February 20, 2011

My name is Kimberly. I grew up in Bellefonte, Pa. I have lived in Lewistown since I was 12 years old. I got married when I was 18 years old and since then had two daughters that are adults now and each has a child of their own. I had attended practical nursing school at the Lewistown Vocational Technology School back in ’04 and obtained my nursing license as a License Practical nurse. My favorite quotation is due unto others as you would want done to you. I refer to this quotation every day I go to work and work with the sick patients that I care for. I would want to treat them as I would want to be treated. I had decided at 46 years of age to go back to college and obtain my Register nursing license. Hacc was my choice for several reasons. One was it was very highly recommended from friends that I know that attended at Hacc and the other reason is the distance is closer than other colleges for me. It is convenient for me to go to class then go to work that is only 10 minutes away from Hacc campus. The thing that motivates me to attend class is for one I want to succeed in my career and for two I am paying for my courses. My English class in particular will help me succeed in my nursing career because you do a lot of reading, writing and research in nursing and this class will teach me how to succeed in the rest of my courses with using the proper language and grammar.

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